Cómo llevas tu reloj?
Qué significa el sol para ti? Y la oscuridad?
Qué ritmo tienes de trabajo?
Se acompasa con tu ciclo vital, es un continuo, un choque, un drama…?Es tu vida tu trabajo? Cómo te hace sentir esta relación?
Viajas en tu cotidianidad?
Dentro, fuera de tu ciudad, pueblo, comunidad? Qué haces en ese tiempo? Cómo te sientes al moverte?
How do you wear a watch?
What does sun means to you? and darkness?
Which rhythm of work you follow?
Does it pace your vital cycle, is it a continuous, a chock, a drama…?
Is it your work your life? How do you feel about that relation?
Do you travel, commute on your everydayness?
Inside, outside of your city, village, community? What do you do during that time? How do you feel about moving?
cuidado, is soft
is a crack in space to share inquietudes and proposals around how we feel reality in our own skin. The starting point are these questions that arose on me experiencing the relations of my daily life.
The different outcomes integrate a dislocated mesh of proposals through individual perspectives of the same source. Feel free to record, film, photograph, yell, draw or compile any thought, feeling, embarrassment, calmness, passivity, exaltation, fear... through these questions and make them arrive safely to